Faculty & Staff by Rank



William Atkinsonatkinsoncw@appstate.eduBritish Literature - 1900 to Present
Language Studies & Linguistics
World Literature
Sandra Ballardballardsl@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
American Literature - Appalachian & Southern
Joseph Bathantibathantjr@appstate.eduCreative Writing
Poetry & Poetics
Jessie Blackburnblackburnjb@appstate.eduRhetoric
Rhetoric & Composition
Technical & Professional Writing
William Brewerbrewerwd@appstate.eduBritish Literature - 19th Century
British Literature - The Romantic Period
Cece Conwayconwayec@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
American Literature - Appalachian & Southern
Leslie Cookcookls@appstate.eduEnglish Education
Carl Ebyebycp@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
American Literature - 19th Century
American Literature - African American
Critical Theory
Gender Studies
Craig Fischerfischercj@appstate.eduCultural Studies
Leonardo Floresfloresll@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
Poetry & Poetics
Digital Media & Culture
Kristina Groovergrooverkk@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
American Literature - African American
British Literature - 1900 to Present
Alison Gulleygulleyea@appstate.eduBritish Literature - Medieval
Gender Studies
History of the English Language
Kathryn Kirkpatrickkirkpatrick@appstate.eduCreative Writing
Critical Theory
Gender Studies
Irish Literature & Culture
Poetry & Poetics
David Orvisorvisdl@appstate.eduBritish Literature - Early Modern
Critical Theory
Queer Studies
Elaine O'Quinnoquinnej@appstate.eduEnglish Education
Alexander Pitofskypitofskyah@appstate.eduBritish Literature - 18th Century
Mark Powellpowelljm1@appstate.edu 
Susan Staubstaubsc@appstate.eduBritish Literature - Early Modern
Jennifer Wilsonwilsonjp@appstate.eduBritish Literature - 18th Century
Michael Wilsonwilsonmt@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
Cultural Studies
Genre Studies

Associate Professor

Jacob Babbbabbjs@appstate.eduRhetoric & Composition
Writing Program Administration
Science Fiction & Horror
Başak Çandarcandarb@appstate.eduComparative Literature
Critical Theory
World Literature
Lynn Doyledoylel@appstate.eduCreative Writing
Poetry & Poetics
James Ivoryivoryjm@appstate.eduBritish Literature - 1900 to Present
Critical Theory
Post-Colonial Literature
Donna Lillianlilliandl@appstate.eduDiscourse Analysis
History of the English Language
Language Studies & Linguistics
Sarah-Beth Longhoptonsb@appstate.eduRhetoric
Technical & Professional Writing
Clarice Moranmorancm1@appstate.eduEnglish Education
Kyle Stevensstevensck@appstate.eduFilm
Television Studies
Cultural Studies
Queer Studies
Critical Theory     
Zackary Vernonvernonzd@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
American Literature - Appalachian & Southern
Southern Studies

Assistant Professor

Michael Dochertydochertymj@appstate.eduAfrican American Literature
Peaches Hashhashpe@appstate.eduEnglish Education
Lora Hawkinshawkinsle1@appstate.eduEnglish Education
Vanessa Evansevansvk@appstate.eduContemporary Indigenous literatures and theory
Transnational American studies
Cultural studies
Citizenship studies
Postcolonial literature and theory
World literature and theory
Bethany Mannonmannonbo@appstate.eduContemporary and Cultural Rhetorics
Gender, Religion, and Social Movements
Teaching and Tutoring Writing
Christopher Meademeadecm@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
American Literature - Ethnic & Native American
Comparative Literature
Critical Theory
Post-Colonial Literature
World Literature
Savannah Paige Murraymurrays@appstate.eduEnvironmental Rhetoric
Appalachian Cultural Rhetoric
Feminist Historiography
John Sanderssandersjw@appstate.eduFilm Studies
Alonzo Smithsmithw2@appstate.edu 
Melissa Stonestonemm2@appstate.edu 
Belinda Walzerwalzerbl@appstate.eduRhetoric and Composition
Human Rights rhetoric and literature
Rhetorics of resistance
Postcolonial studies and global Anglophone literature
Diversity and inclusion in composition studies

Visiting Assistant Professor

Melissa Birkhoferbirkhofermd@appstate.eduEthnic American Literature
Latinx Literatures
Indigenous Literatures.
Ryan McGuckinmcguckinrj@appstate.edu American and British Literature - 19th Century to Present
Musical Culture
Gender, Race, and the Novel
Kazuo Ishiguro
Ashleigh Phillipsphillipsab2@appstate.edu Creative Writing, Short Fiction

Senior Lecturer


Adjunct Instructor


Joy Mathwigmathwigjc@appstate.eduOffice Manager
Andie Thomaspabonaj@appstate.eduAdministrative Support Associate

Professor Emeritus

Edwin Arnold
Melissa Barthbarthme@appstate.eduCritical Theory
Gender Studies
Technical & Professional Writing
Bruce Dickdickba@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
American Literature - African American
American Literature - Ethnic & Native American
Howard Giskingiskinha@appstate.eduWorld Literature
Edelma Huntley  
Leon Lewislewislh@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
British Literature - 1900 to Present
Holly Martinmartinhe@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 1900 to Present
American Literature - Ethnic & Native American
Grace McEnteemcenteege@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 19th Century
American Literature - African American
Thomas McGowanmcgowanta@appstate.edu 
Thomas McLaughlinmclaughlin@appstate.eduCritical Theory
Gene Miller  
Colin Ramseyramseyct@appstate.eduColonial American Literature
History of the Book
Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Authorship and Intellectual Property
Georgia Rhoadesrhoadesgd@appstate.edu  
Lynn Moss Sanders  
Lynn Searfosssearfossla@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - 19th Century
History of the English Language
Language Studies & Linguistics
Rhetoric & Composition
Roger Stillingstillingrj@appstate.eduBritish Literature - Early Modern
Mark Vogel  
Wilber Wardwardwh@appstate.eduAmerican Literature - Colonial & Federal
Susan Weinbergweinbergsc@appstate.eduCreative Writing