Honors Program in English

English Department Honors

The English Department offers highly qualified and motivated students the opportunity to pursue departmental honors. These students take specialized honors seminars and complete an honors thesis tailored to their particular interests and academic or professional aspirations. Students are invited to apply to the program in their sophomore or junior years.

What is the honors curriculum?
Students are required to take ENG 4508 Junior/Senior Honors Seminar in American Literature, which is offered every fall, and ENG 4509 Junior/Senior Honors Seminar in British or World Literature, offered each spring. These seminars do not need to be taken in any particular order. During their senior year, students complete an honors thesis (ENG 4510), designed in consultation with a thesis director and committee and culminating in an oral defense. In many cases the thesis can serve as the Capstone Project. Members of the program may also take honors sections of sophomore-level literature classes for majors.

Why should I be in the English department honors program?
Honors courses typically take a deeper dive into the material, and the smaller class sizes allow more direct interaction with faculty and fellow honors students. Although all English department students complete a capstone project, your honors thesis can be tailored to your specific interests and goals. This program provides effective preparation for graduate study, professional school, and employment.

Does the honors program require extra classes?
No. The seminars and optional 2000-level honors sections fulfill requirements for all of the concentrations in the English major.

What is the difference between Departmental Honors and University Honors?
Departmental honors programs are typically 9 credits in the student’s major, usually completed in the student’s final two years, including a departmental honors thesis. University Honors is a four-year interdisciplinary program housed in the Honors College. Many students in the English Honors Program are also in the Honors College. In that case, students may write one thesis to satisfy thesis requirements for both programs.

What are graduation requirements for departmental honors?
To graduate with honors, students must complete two honors seminars (ENG 4508 and ENG 4509) and thesis (ENG 4510) with a grade of B or better. Additionally, honors graduates must have at least a 3.45 average in all English course work.

How are English Department honors graduates recognized?
Students graduating with English departmental honors are recognized at the end of each regular semester during the department’s Capstone Day and presented with an honors medal and cords to be worn at graduation. Your honors status is noted on your transcript and should be included on your resumé and in graduate or professional school application materials.

Please contact Dr. Alison Gulley for more information.

Guidelines for the honors thesis (ENG 4510) and instructions on how to apply for thesis hours are included below: