- Ph.D. (ABD), English. West Virginia University
- M.A., English. Appalachian State University
- B.A., English. Appalachian State University
- “Material Agency and the ‘Cluttered’ Environment in Dorothy Wordsworth’s Travel Narratives.” European Romantic Review, vol. 33, iss. 3, June, 2022, pp. 411-25.
Recent Conference Presentations:
- “‘And sweet it is to creep ones blinded way’: Moving (Carefully) through Wild Spaces in the Poetry of John Clare” INCS Annual Conference, 2023
- “Starlings Over Central Park: The Frankensteinian Legacy of an Introduced Species” (ASLE sponsored panel) SAMLA Annual Conference, 2020
- “Well-Behaved Nature Seldom Makes Ecology: Traveling the Untame Landscape with Dorothy Wordsworth and Henry David Thoreau” CEA Annual Conference, 2020
- “Digital Animals: Collection, Curation, and Data Visualization” WVU Humanities Center, 2019
- “The ‘Bewildering’ Aesthetics of Thoreau’s Mountainscapes” WVU English Graduate Research Conference, 2019
- “‘Bedabbled with the dew and torn with briars’: Entanglement and Botanical Agency in A Midsummer Night’s Dream” PAMLA Annual Conference, 2018

Title: Lecturer
Department: Department of English
Office address
Sanford Hall 229Office Hours: MW 7:30-8; 11-12