Academic Specialty:
- Environmental, socio-political, and feminist rhetorics
- Appalachian studies
- Rhetorics of transnational/comparative ruralities
- Ph.D. English, University of Arkansas
- M.A. English Education, Appalachian State University
- M.A. Appalachian Studies, Appalachian State Univeristy
- B.A. English, Brenau Women's College
Selected Publications:
Co-editor (w/ Jacob Babb), Special issue of WPA: Writing Program Administration vol. 47.1, Fall 2023.
Co-authored. “What’s Next? Writing Program Administration During and After the Pandemic.” WPA: Writing Program Administration vol. 47.1, Fall 2023.
Co-authored. “Haute Appalachia: Wine and Wine Tourism.” The Food We Eat, the Stories We Tell Contemporary Appalachian Tables. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2019.
“Digital Rhetorics of Appalachia and the Cultural Studies Classroom.” Appalachia Revisited: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Regional Continuity and Change. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2016.
"[E]ppalachia: Rural Ethos, Online Discourse, and Cyber-Frontiers." The Appalachian Journal vol. 41.3-4 (2014).
Across the Disciplines vol. 11.3 (2014). Co-edited with Heidi Harris. Special issue on innovative, multimodal, and multidisciplinary composition at rural, regional, and satellite institutions.
Introductory essay. Across the Disciplines vol. 11.3 (2014). Co-authored with Heidi Harris.
"Feminist Composition Pedagogies and the Hypermediated Fractures in the Contact Zone." Composition Forum vol. 25 (2012).
"The Web Surfer: What (Literacy) Skills Does It Take to Surf Anyway?" Composition Forum vol. 21 (2010).
"The Irony of YouTube: Politicking Cool." Harlot: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion vol. 3 (2009).
Rev. of Who Owns School?: Authority, Students, and Online Discourse, by Kelly Ritter. Computers and Composition vol. 28 (2011) 73-75.
Rev. of Literacy, Sexuality, and Pedagogy: Theory and Practice for Composition Studies, by Jonathan Alexander. Journal of International Women's Studies vol. 10.2 (2008): 226-230.
Workshops, Invited Lectures, and Conferences:
“Rhetorical Listening and Stakeholder Feedback: Community Benefits of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.” United States Department of Energy; Offices of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies. December 11, 2024.
“Communicating Community and Organizational Resilience through Energy Justice.” United States Department of Energy; Offices of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies. September 24, 2024.
“Cultural Rhetorics & the Social Impact of Decarbonization.” United States Department of Energy; Offices of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies. February 15, 2024.
“Collaborative Writing & Stakeholder Engagement.” United States Department of Energy; Offices of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies. November 28, 2023.
“Visual, Cultural, & Environmental Rhetorics.” United States Department of Energy; Offices of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies. July 6, 2023.
“Strategic Communications and Organizational Identity.” United States Department of Energy; Offices of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies. March 21, 2023.
“The Rhetorical Situation: Communicating Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.” United States Department of Energy; Offices of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies. January 24, 2023.
“The Great Rethinking: WPAs (un)Quarantined.” Panel on Re-Envisioning GenAdmin: How the Pandemic Shifted WPAs’ Perspectives and Priorities. Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC); Chicago, IL. Feb 17, 2023.
“Touring and Tasting Terroir: Rural Subjectivities, Cultural Rhetorics, and Wine Tourism’s Commodified Imaginations.” Rural Imaginations Conference, the University of Amsterdam. August 24-26, 2022.
Plenary Speaker. “Bottling Steep Slopes: Mediating the Historical, Cultural, Regional, Recreational, and Environmental Subjectivities of Appalachian Mountain Vineyards.” 46th International Conference of the Austrian Association for American Studies; University of Innsbruck, Austria. November 22–24, 2019.
“Trauma-Informed Writing Program Administration: Leading Even When the House Is on Fire.” Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC); Spokane, WA. April 7-10, 2021.
“In Troubling Times: Trauma-Informed Writing Program Administration.” Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA); Reno, NV. July 19-20, 2021.
Panel Organizer and Discussant. “Many Hands: Collaborative Writing Program Administration as Inclusive Practice.” Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA); Baltimore, MD. July 25-28, 2019.
Roundtable Organizer and Discussant. “Farming, Foodways, and Regenerative Community Organizing in the North Carolina High Country.” 42nd annual Appalachian Studies Association Conference; Asheville, NC. March 14-17, 2019.
“Reproducing Europe: The Old World Wine Rhetorics of a New World Wine Region.” 8th Euroacademia International Conference – Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeanness Exposed to Plural Observers; Lucca, Italy. September 20-30, 2018.
"Locating the Vineyard: Heritage Aesthetics and the Farm-to-Table Menu." Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association Conference; San Diego, CA. April 12-15, 2017.
"The Humble Table: Vitis Vinifera and Haute Cuisine." Appalachian Studies Association Conference; Blacksburg, VA. March 9-12, 2017.
"Adapting Appalachia and Bending the Frame: Wine Rhetorics of a New Regional Wine Trail." Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association Conference; Seattle, WA. March 22-25, 2016.
"The Regional Wine Trail: Identity Rhetorics and New Appalachian Landscapes." Appalachian Studies Association Conference; Sheperdstown, WV. March 18-20, 2016.
"Thinking Big on a Small Campus: Innovative Composition at Regional, Branch, and Satellite Institutions" (organized and convened this special panel). Conference on College Composition and Communication; Tampa, FL. March 18-21, 2015.
"Risking Exclusion: WPAs Who Innovate and Differentiate on Isolated Campuses." Conference on College Composition and Communication; Tampa, FL. March 18-21, 2015.
"On & Off The Grid: Multimodal Composition and Digital Humanities at Rural, Regional, or Branch Universities." Pacific American Modern Language Association; San Diego, CA. Nov. 1-3, 2013.
"[E]ppalachia: Marxist Feminism, Cyber-frontiers, and Rural Ethos." Ninth Biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference; Stanford University. Sept 25-28, 2013.
"Rural Universities, Composition Classrooms, and Multimodal Literacies." Appalachian Studies Association Conference; Boone, NC. March 28-30, 2013.
"Mending the Cracks: Inside the Hypermediated Fractures of the Undergraduate Writing Classroom." Conference on Digital Collaboration in the Academy & Beyond; Kingston, Ontario. May 11-13, 2012.
"Digital Appalachia: Rural Ethos, Online Discourse, and Cyber-frontiers." Appalachian Studies Association Conference; Indiana, PA. March 23-25, 2012.
"The Hypermediated Fractures in the Contact Zone." Northeast Modern Language Association Composition Panel; Rochester, NY. March 15-18, 2012.
"The Affordances and Constraints of 'Doing' Multimodal WPA Work at Rural Institutions." Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference; Baton Rouge, LA. July 14-17, 2011.
"Beneath the Bandwidth: How, Why, and When Feminist Pedagogies and Digital Media Intersect Inside the Academic Composition Classroom." Feminism and Teaching Symposium; Nottingham, England. April 8-9, 2011.
"Re/considering Composition Studies' Lingering Hesitations about Digital Literacies" (organized and convened this panel). Conference on College Composition and Communication; Louisville, KY. March 17-20, 2010.
"The Stigma of Web Surfing: Critical Digital Literacy and the New Literacies Our Students Might Teach Us." Conference on College Composition and Communication; Louisville, KY. March 17-20, 2010.
"I'll Meet You Behind the Words: Identity Politics in Language" (organized and convened this panel). Expanding Literacy Studies: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference; The Ohio State University. April 3-5, 2009.
"Seeking Ethos in the Rhetoric of Obama, Clinton, and McCain: Literacy as Agency as Our Students Learn to Talk Back Online to Politics." Expanding Literacy Studies: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference; The Ohio State University. April 3-5, 2009.
"The New Work of First-Year Composition: Remixing Attitudes about Digital Literacy" (chaired this session). Expanding Literacy Studies: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference; The Ohio State University. April 3-5, 2009.
"Getting Words out of the Way: Is There Space on the Page for Identity?" (organized and convened this panel). Conference on Literature and the Humanities; The University of Arkansas. March 27-28, 2009.
"'Rage Against the Machine': When Our Students Contest e-Rhetoric and the Borders of Digital Discourse Communities." Conference on Literature and the Humanities in Arkansas; The University of Arkansas. March 27-28, 2009.
"Language, Power, and Identity: Modern Composition Theory and the Freshman College Composition Classroom." Appalachian Studies Association Conference; Huntington, WV. March 29, 2008.

Title: Professor
Department: Department of English
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-7300