
course flyer for Postmodern Experimental Poetry

ENG 4795/6: Postmodern Experimental Poetry - Flores (Spring 2023)
Oct 11, 2022

This course offers an exploration of experimental traditions in poetry in the past 60 years and the myriad ways in which poets have challenged the lit...

Photo of Savannah Sipple taken by Rebecca Dayle Ashby.

Savannah Sipple’s “Write Honestly”
Oct 11, 2022

On September 22, Savannah Sipple joined us as part of our Visiting Writers Series for a conversation about finding oneself  as a writer and to re...

ENG 2040: World Literature 1640 to Now (Spring 2023)

ENG 2040: World Literature 1640 to Now - Muenchrath (Spring 2023)
Oct 5, 2022

In this course, we’ll read world literature written since the 17th century in order to investigate, through unique and differing perspectives, our s...

ENG 4710: Advanced Studies in Women and Literature (Spring 2023)

ENG 4710: Advanced Studies in Women and Literature - Groover (Spring 2023)
Oct 5, 2022

In this course we will study Virginia Woolf as novelist, as feminist theorist, and as cultural icon. We will examine Woolf's work in the historical an...

Photo of Andrea Pabón Thomas

Meet Andie Pabón Thomas, our new Admin!
May 19, 2022

The English Department has a new Administrative Support Associate: Andrea Pabón Thomas.Andie graduated from our Creative Writing concentration in 201...

Congratulations to our Graduating Class of 2022!
May 6, 2022

Congratulations to our graduating class of 2022!Here's a list of our graduating English majors and graduate students, in alphabetical order, by semest...

English Department Scholarships  Web Logo

2022-2023 Scholarship Winners!
Apr 21, 2022

We are excited to announce the complete list of  our department's scholarship winners for the years 2022-2023!Mary Willis Shores Memorial Scholar...