In this course we will study Virginia Woolf as novelist, as feminist theorist, and as cultural icon. We will examine Woolf's work in the historical and cultural context of literary modernism, as well as through the lenses of other writers and artists in "conversation" with Woolf's work. The class will be conducted as a seminar; students will present their own critical papers and research projects, lead class discussion, and respond to the work and ideas of others. Students will complete weekly writing assignments, critical essays, and a researched seminar paper. Texts will likely include Woolf’s novels Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse; her extended essays A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas; selections from her diaries and letters; and additional texts by Toni Morrison, Michael Cunningham, Alice Walker, Audre Lorde, Adrienne Rich, Rebecca Solnit, and others. Students are welcome to contact the professor for more information: