This course offers students tangible examples of technical writing in action through a concentration on the challenges of home cooking, recipe writing and development, the usability of kitchen-oriented technologies, and the analyses of digital technologies like mobile recipe apps. Good home cooking relies heavily on well-written and clearly communicated technical documentation. Technical documentation used by home cooks also extends to the technologies they use in their kitchens. The quality of what a home cook can produce varies based on the quality of these technologies. But it can also vary upon the home cook's understanding of how to use these technologies, making the related technical documentation just as important as the technology itself. We will explore what this means for becoming a strong technical communicator, and we might get to eat some good food along the way! Students do not have to have a deep understanding of cooking to take this course. All majors and disciplines are welcome.
Mondays from 6-9 pm, face-to-face
Dr. Melissa Stone