ENG 4890: 20th Century British Literature: 1900-1945 will be taught by Dr. Ivory this Fall 2021 semester. It will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00 - 11:50 AM in room 502 of the newly rennovated Sanford Hall. This class will be a "study of major themes and literary techniques found in the British literature of the first half of the twentieth century."
From Dr. Ivory
Somewhere in the mountains of North Carolina, an unsuspecting English professor is about to embark on a mysterious and unprecedented journey. That professor has taught ENG 4890 before; however, he has not yet taught it in Fall 2021 to this group of mysterious students. Who exactly are they? What do they know? And then there is time. It can be slippery and teach surprising lessons. What will happen in Fall 2021? What will those students read? How will they contribute in the discussions? The only certainty we know is uncertainty. Let’s observe as we crossover into …