ENG 4300: Professional Writing Capstone
Dr. Sarah Beth Hopton (hoptonsb@appstate.edu)
Spring 2022
Monday/Wednesday 3:30-4:45 (50% digital)
This course is the culminating experience for Technical & Professional Writing majors. The course will review fundamental rhetorical and professional writing theories and practices and will give students an opportunity to edit their best work to include in their digital portfolio and present their portfolio and job documents during Capstone Day. The digital portfolio will generally prepare students to either apply to graduate school or enter the job market. Students will come away with an introduction to advanced methodologies to conduct field-based research in Technical & Professional Writing (TPW); design ethical documents and visualize data; write in plain language; code in HTML and CSS; and manage social media networks. Students will hear from several professional writers, social media managers, and former students of our program now working in the field. This course is required for majors to graduate. of our day and produce real-world and real-time, public-facing professional writing documents that can also be used to build their professional portfolios. This course is required for Professional Writing/Rhetoric and Writing Studies majors.