ENG 3090: Intro to Professional Writing
Professional Writing for Social Change and Community Engagement
Dr. Sarah Beth Hopton (hoptonsb@appstate.edu)
Spring 2022
Monday/Wednesday 2-3:15 (50% digital)
This course will introduce students to the field of Technical and Professional Writing (TPC) through course projects aimed at writing for community engagement and social change. We will cover concepts such as writing in plain language, research methodologies, data visualization and ethical design, and rhetorical writing practices used to engage local and regional communities in behavior change. Individual and group projects will focus on developing students' critical thinking and writing skills and will cover genres specific to the field of technical and professional writing like report writing, infographic design, and writing for various forms of new and social media. Students will work directly with international and/or local nonprofit organizations tackling some of toughest social and environmental justice issues of our day and produce real-world and real-time, public-facing professional writing documents that can also be used to build their professional portfolios. This course is required for Professional Writing/Rhetoric and Writing Studies majors.