Christopher Meade

Academic Specialty:

Chris Meade specializes in Inter-American fiction and poetry. In particular, his work examines the cultural and literary productions of the New World as they imagine territory, history, and ethnic subjectivity. Trained in Comparative Literature, his research charts the intersections of territoriality and nationality, colonialism/imperialism and history, and literature and resistance in the arenas of ethical, political, and ecological thought.


Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of Michigan
B.A.. Comparative Literature, University of Michigan

Selected Publications:

"Reading Worlds Literature with Samuel R. Delany: General Information and the Misery of Bodies." Critical Multilingualism Studies 4.1 (2016): 71-94.

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Department of English

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-2320

Office address
Sanford Hall 422